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Protect your pets against diseases by vaccinating them yearly.
Dog Vaccination Protocol
**An exam is required with all vaccine visits unless specifically noted by a doctor. First exam is $70.00-$80.00. Exams for boosters are $33.00 as long as they are done 3-4 weeks from the initial visit**
First Visit (between 7-9.5 weeks of age)
- Exam $70-$80
- DAPP $31
- Deworming $15-$20 Fecal testing $50.93
- Free Heartgard promo dose
- Free Nexgard promo dose
*Please make sure pet is socially quarantined until final set* - *No walks in public areas, no dog parks, no boarding, no grooming, no doggie daycare*
Second Visit (3 to 4 weeks later)
- Exam- Medical Progress $33
- DAPPL $31
- Bordetella $24
- Heartgard dose $18-$21
- Nexgard dose $36
- Optional:
- Canine Influenza $84 (included vaccine and booster)
- Rattlesnake Vaccine $65 (included vaccine and booster)
Third Visit (3-4 weeks later- no earlier than 15 weeks of age)
- Exam- Medical Progress $33
- DAPPL $31
- Rabies $21
- Heartgard 2 doses $42
- Nexgard 2 doses $72
- Optional:
- Canine Influenza booster
- Rattlesnake Vaccine booster
*Okay to be socially active one week after third vaccine visit*
6-9 Months of age
- Proheart injection $80-90
- Bravecto dose $90
Spay or Neuter at 9-12 months or older
For costs based on the weight of the pet, take ask us for a price list.
Adult Dogs
- Exam $70-80 (Annually)
- Bordetella $24 (Annually)
- DAPPL $31 (Annually or 3 year after initial)
- Lepto $31 (Annually if DAPP not due)
- Rabies $21 (Every 3 years after initial)
- Influenza $42 (Annually after the initial and booster is completed)
- Rattlesnake $32.50 (Annually after the initial and booster is completed)
Cat Vaccination Protocol
**An exam is required with all vaccine visits unless specifically noted by a doctor. First exam is $70.00. Exams for boosters are $33.00 as long as they are done 3-4 weeks from the initial visit**
First Visit (between 7-9.5 weeks of age)
- Exam $70-80
- Feline Viral Screening $72
- FVRCP (Rhino/Calici/Panleukopenia) $25
- Deworming $15-$20
- Fecal testing $50.93
*Please make sure to socially quarantine until final set* - * No outside time, no socialization with other cats that have unknown viral screening status*
Second Visit (3 to 4 weeks later)
- Exam- Medical Progress $33
- FELV (Feline Leukemia) $31
- FVRCP (Rhino/Calici/Panleukopenia) $25
Third Visit (3-4 weeks later- no earlier than 15 weeks of age)
- Exam- Medical Progress $30
- FELV (Feline Leukemia)$31
- FVRCP (Rhino/Calici/Panleukopenia) $25
- Rabies $21
*Ok to go outside one week after final set, socialization is ok*
Spay or Neuter at 6-9 months
For costs, please ask us for a price list.
Adult Cats
- Exam $80 (Annually)
- FELV (Feline Leukemia) $31 (Annually)
- FVRCP (Rhino/Calici/Panleukopenia) $25 (Annually or 3 year after initial)
- Rabies $21 (Every 3 years after initial)
Keep Your Pet Safe and Healthy
Protect Your Pets Against Heartworm Disease
We recommend giving monthly heartworm prevention called Heartgard to your canine companions. We have had two positive heartworm tests in the last year just at Broadway Veterinary Hospital. There is heartworm prevalent in Idaho and it’s becoming more and more prevalent every year!
Heartworms are an internal parasite that is transferred by a bite from a mosquito and spread from the blood from an infected pet to your pet. The heartworm starts as microfilariae, which are the newborn children of the adult worms living in the heart and pulmonary arteries.
The microfilariae can swim freely in the bloodstream, possibly in large numbers, and it is the microfilariae that can spread to other dogs through a mosquito. The microfilariae are killed by the heartworm prevention medication (Heartgard) to keep the dog from spreading the infection. There are a few other stages of larvae before it matures to the adult stage.
The L5 larvae and adult worms live inside the heart and pulmonary arteries. This group requires the arsenic compounds for destruction while the other two groups can be killed with less toxic products.
The important concept to realize is that harsh arsenic-based drugs are necessary to kill adult heartworms and that treating for heartworm infection is neither simple nor safe in itself. It is much easier, cheaper and safer for your pet to prevent heartworm infections versus treating the adult stage of heartworm disease.
At Broadway Veterinary Hospital, we require a heartworm test before starting heartworm prevention. If you keep your pet continuously on heartworm prevention all year round, then you only need to retest every other year.
If you just give heartworm prevention seasonally, then you must test before starting the prevention every year. April and May are 50% OFF heartworm test month! The only other requirement for refilling your heartworm prevention is an annual exam for your pet.
Spay or Neuter Your Pet at 6-9 months of Age
The principal benefit of spaying female dogs and cats is the prevention of mammary cancer. A dog spayed before her first heat will have a near-zero chance of developing mammary cancer later in life. After the first heat, this incidence climbs up to 7 percent, and after the second heat, the risk approaches 25 percent. Statistics are similar in cats.
The major health benefits involved in neutering a dog involve the prostate gland. As dogs age, the prostate will gradually enlarge. This is known as benign prostate hyperplasia or BPH. The prostate under the influence of testosterone is also predisposed to infection.
This is an extremely painful and sometimes life-threatening condition that is not likely to resolve without neutering and often invasive surgery.
Other medical conditions that are prevented include testicular cancer along with certain types of hernias and perianal tumors. The effects of neutering male cats are more behavioral and are listed below.
There are no concrete facts when it comes to the behavioral changes seen in spayed and neutered dogs and cats. Neutering male dogs and cats can reduce urine marking in your house, aggression towards other dogs, and territorial aggression. It is important to realize that these behaviors can become a habit and continue after neutering.
Many experts say that once a pet is older than 1 year of age and still intact, undesirable behaviors are more likely to become permanent even if they are neutered at that time. The most dangerous behavior seen in intact males is roaming, running away to look for a mate because it leads to animals running away as well as car accidents.
For advice on when to neuter your pet, please see here for more information.
Protect Your Pets Against Fleas and Ticks
We recommend monthly prevention of fleas and ticks. Fleas and ticks can carry disease onto your pet and into your family's home.
Protect your pet by giving Bravecto to your dogs over 6 months old every 3 months, Frontline monthly to your cats, and Nexgard monthly to your puppy under 6 months old. Annual exams are required for prescription medications.
Protect Your Pets Against Zoonotic Disease
We recommend yearly fecal testing. 25% of fecal testing at Broadway Veterinary Hospital is positive for worms or Giardia! That's 1 out of 4 pets! Some of these worms can be transmitted to immunocompromised humans (like children and elderly people). Bring in a fresh stool sample for testing and we can have the results back the next day!
Get Pet Insurance for Your Pet
Pet insurance is very helpful when your pet gets sick or injured. There are even wellness plans available as well. Most insurance companies offer 80% reimbursement of your vet bills. We recommend Pumpkin Pet Insurance.
Feed Your Pet a Healthy Diet
Cats and dogs need to have a balanced diet. We recommend Purina Pro Plan for healthy dogs and cats. There are special diets for dogs and cats with medical problems that your vet can prescribe.
We offer a home delivery system where your pet food can be mailed right to your house. Click this VetDirect link for more information. If required, use Clinic ID: QIDMC.
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